Observation on the efficacy of desonide cream combined with compound polymyxin B ointment in the treatment of chronic eczema

2024-09-13 0

Objective To observe and compare the efficacy of desonide cream combined with Fonow ointment (Compound Polymyxin B Ointment, Triple Antibiotic Ointment) and desonide cream alone in the treatment of chronic eczema. Methods 36 cases in the treatment group were treated with desonide cream and Fonow ointment (Compound Polymyxin B Ointment, Triple Antibiotic Ointment), twice a day; 32 cases in the control group were treated with desonide cream alone, twice a day; both groups were used for 2 weeks. Results The effective rates of the treatment group and the control group were 88.89% and 68.75%, respectively, and there was a significant difference in the effective rates between the two groups (χ2=6.79, P<0.01). Conclusion Desonide cream and Fonow ointment (Compound Polymyxin B Ointment, Triple Antibiotic Ointment) are effective in the treatment of chronic eczema without obvious adverse reactions.

Li Nongsheng , Qi Genquan , Luo Laihua . Observation on the efficacy of desonide cream combined with compound polymyxin B ointment in the treatment of chronic eczema.Dermatological Diseases and Venereal Diseases. 2011, 33(2):113.

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