Observation on the therapeutic effect of compound polymyxin B ointment in the treatment of suppurative paronychia

2024-09-13 0

Abstract: To explore the treatment of suppurative paronychia. From February 2011 to December 2014, 52 patients with suppurative paronychia of hands and feet were treated with Fonow ointment (Compound Polymyxin B Ointment, Triple Antibiotic Ointment) for external use. The clinical treatment effect was observed and the results showed that most of the 52 patients in the treatment group achieved good clinical efficacy. The results showed that the topical Fonow ointment (Compound Polymyxin B Ointment, Triple Antibiotic Ointment) for the treatment of suppurative paronychia was simple and effective.

Ma Haitang , Xin Shuai . Observation on the therapeutic effect of compound polymyxin B ointment in the treatment of suppurative paronychia. Chinese Journal of Health and Nutrition. 2016, 26(23): 184.

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